6 Mar 2011

hati perempuan part 2

the gurlz just continue her life normally cume n0w gurlz 2 da berkerja s0 she just keep her feeling deep int0 her heart,die cube lupekan everything b0ut that b0yz n b0ut her feeling sbb die taw sumer 2 xberguna p0wn klau die simpan,even rase hati die sgt sedih but die cube jugak..s0 die p0wn berkerja n berkerja sbb ,sibukkn diri  n cube untuk kejar cite2 die yg die nk sgt since die kecik n 2 jew la care yg b0ley happykn hati gurl 2 sbb kt 0fis die ade byk kwn2 yg b0ley nasihatkan die..dat b0y da pegi jauh dari s0 die rase 2 jew mase yg b0ley buat die buang angan2 mat jenin die 2,bile gurlz 2 berborak dgn that boyz die akan cuber sedaye die untuk hide her feeling n make the boyz rase that die xpnah ade hati kt boyz 2 kn slalu jew kerek ngn boy 2.brtahun jugak la die hide it.treat him as a frenz n n0t m0re than that sbb gurlz u xcntik,xdew daya penarik n xder kelebihan yg b0ley tarik perhatian that boy..1 day,s0me1 dtg n appr0ach dat gurl,die bgtaw that die sgt syg n suke dat gurlz since the 1st day they start tarining s0 that gurlz started 2 think n b his frenz...after minx pendapat n nasihat kwn2 a few day after that dat gurlz start kluar dgn a new b0yz that appr0ach her,that b0yz seem 2 b very2 nice n kind..s0 the gurlz start thinking if die berpasangan dgn lelaki 2 myb die b0ley bahgiakn diri gurlz 2 n lupekan the b0yz she love c0z that die xpnah ade harapan dgn that boy..s0 she started 2 treat the b0y very nice n then that b0y ask her 2 become his special 1..dlm hati gurlz 2,die sgt sedih but at the same time she is very2 happy c0z that the only way yg b0ley buat die lupekn b0yz 2 s0 she accept it..the b0yz treat her s0 well n love her s0 much tp hati gurlz 2 still xley lupekan the b0yz she love..tp gurlz 2 jugak syg kt bf die n xnk buat hati bf die sedih s0 die selalu lyn bf die dgn sgt baik n jadi a gud gf 2 her bf..mujur la bf die jugak sgt workerholic s0 that the gurlz x rase die abaikan bf die...sampy bile gurlz 2 nk simpan perasaan kt b0yz 2 p0wn aku xtaw..but that gurlz makin syg n syg kt bf die sbb bf die sggp bersabar n 2gu gurlz 2 terime die 100% even sometimes that 2 marah n terase hati,but gurlz 2 xkn pernah abaikan bf die just sbb the b0yz c0z gurlz 2 skrg milik bf die n gurlz 2 ade tanggungjawab untuk bahgiakn hati bf die even hati die still belum ade yg miliki...

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