18 Jun 2011


0rg ckp klau kite alone nie,mean xdew life n kite jadi b0san..tp aku rase sumer 2 xbt0l p0wn...since aku single mingle nie..byk bnde happy yg aku rase..haha3..aku ade byk mase nk spend dengan family,dengan kawan2..g sane sini...hah!..xdew masalah ape2 p0wn,law b0san ajak la kwn2 teman xp0wn kakak 0r abang..

mmg la kekadg rase sunyi,tp xyah la layan sgt perasaan 2..just m0ve 0n..aku da berjaya sbb aku da tetap kn pendiriaan aku n slalu egat kt 0tak aku,j0d0h kt tangan allah s0 klau terhegeh2 nk mencari tp mmg j0d0h kite xdew xpyh la kn..hahah3...

arinie aku da masuk 7 hari duduk uma ibu aku sbb klau aku nk biasekn diri xkuar slalu,yelah skrg kn aku da se0rg s0 klau xkuar kang b0san pulak n cam cacing kepanasan plak kt uma sewe 2..s0 if aku balik uma ibu aku xdew la b0san sgt sampy nk kuar n b0ley gak ajar diri sdri ddk uma jew..kn3...

aish..criusly aku da b0san da dgn bnde2 nie,rase cam b0d0h p0wn ade..tp xperh la,aku p0wn da xheran da pasal bende2 nie..asyik clash jew s0 baik xyah la ade relations ngn sape2..better se0rg bahgia dari berdua kecewe...

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear that u're alrdy "alone".. i wish i could say "i told you so.." or "serve you right" or "in your face" but come to think of it, no need to.. cause your past will become history and your history will always haunt you and be repeated again and again.. why? ask yourself, "WHAT DID I DO BACK THERE??"..
    now you're telling everyone that you're tired and care no more of being in a relationship.. is it the relationship cause the problem or just YOU?? pffft! If i were you, i won't say it out loud like that.. because one day you'll realise and understand something that called "the true meaning of a relationship.."


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