11 Mar 2011


In love and life I ride the waves.
One day drowning in sin and sorrow,
the next rejoicing beneath golden sky.
Such struggle within a clouded mind
when two souls live in a separate world
desperate to fulfill the appetite of starving love.

Is it only in fairytales, this thing called love ?
Where mermaids sing at the crest of waves
and prince charming circles the world,
only to find his Cinderella in the grips of sorrow.
Have childhood stories tainted our mind
into wishing upon falling stars that light the sky ?

Days pass - another moon, another sun reaches the sky.
Something in me believes there must be true love,
yet my heart never seems too convince my mind.
I rest, only to find sleep comes in waves,
and dreams once again awaken the sorrow.
Still tomorrow I will again, take on the world.

Feeling like a triangle in this circular world -
Tonight I find myself there, again, staring upon this sky.
Searching for answers between tears of glee and sorrow,
trying to understand if there is indeed an existence of true love.
My thoughts resting only to pound again, intrusive waves -
snickering at the confusion deep within my mind.

Familiar darkness lingers, invading my mind.
Now I begin to question my - existence in this world.
Benumbed, I see the sunshine skip upon waves
and birds soar playfully across the sky.
Thoughtlessly upon clouds I trace these four letters ... l-o-v-e
only to be disappointed as they slowly drift away, laced with sorrow.

Am I destined to find happiness in this journey through sorrow ?
Shall there ever come a day, my heart will convince my mind
there truly is a thing called 'true love' ?
Or shall I settle for the one who seemingly fits into my world
yet never strokes the shadows of my soul beneath midnight sky ?
In life and love how long can I, survive the waves ?

So much sorrow, love created in this world.
Yet in the depths of my mind, beneath this midnight sky.
I will forever search for true love, until I can no longer - ride the waves.

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