11 Mar 2011

He Only Had Eyes For

He seemed to only have eyes for the pretty Girls, who were stunningly perfect in every way,
whereas I was just the quiet Girl, who would sit by herself for much of the day.  
He became aware of how I adored him, yet he never showed signs of care.
There was a constant heartache filled with hurt and rejection,
which I could no longer bear.
To him I was nobody special, just an invisible Girl.
But to me he had meant everything, the whole entire world.
I did not have to wish for anything until I had met him.
His heart was like a golden trophy, which everybody but I,
 was able to win.
The tendency he had to ignore me, sadly shattered my self esteem.
He took a huge spark of happiness, and crushed a ton of hopes and dreams.
Will there ever be enough words, to express how un-wanted he made me feel?
Even in years to come, the scars which were caused by him will not have managed to heal.
Not a day went by where I did not try to become his friend.
He did not even say farewell, after I had sent his good luck note in the end.
Maybe one day he might look back, and regret the only chance he did not take.
But now that door has closed and a new one has opened, my heart can no longer break.
I will never wish to forget, the rare time where he was so kind and sweet.
It was on the very first day I met him.
He smiled, and I was unaware of the consequences of falling so deep.

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